Nursing School Study Tips! (Part 2)
Today, I am going to share some additional study tips that I use for nursing school. Before Class : Print out the lecture PowerPoint before class Review the PowerPoint before class During Class : Type (or hand write) notes during class Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions during class - (majority of the time, another student will have the same question as you) After Class : Review notes after class (rather than waiting til the end of the week and procrastinating) Write out notes that you typed in class onto the printed PowerPoint Read/Type out the objectives of the assigned reading Find the answer to the objectives in book Take notes from book & add them to PowerPoint notes Print or write out all the key points from the chapters of the assigned reading Do lots of practice questions!!! Watch YouTube videos on topics you don’t understand Review a little everyday REPEAT! If you have any additional tips that you woul...