My Top Study Tips for Nursing School
One of my biggest challenges in Nursing School was figuring out how to study for my exams. Because let's be honest, nursing school exams are no joke. So learning how to study for them is important. Every nursing program will be different. Every course will be different. Your studying techniques may differ from mine. However, here are a few study tips that have helped me and may help you if you are just starting nursing school: #1 - Study in Advance! Do not (i repeat - DO NOT) wait until the last minute to study for your exams. Like I said in previous posts, cramming does not work in nursing school. There's too much material to learn all in one day. Study a little bit of the material every single day - even if your exam is weeks away. If you do this, by the time you reach a day or two before the exam, it'll simply feel like more of a review and not studying. #2 - Figure out what type of learner you are. Some students are a visual learner. Some are auditor...